When do you need us? Sooner than you think.


So, let’s say you’re planning an online virtual event. Maybe it’s an annual meeting of stakeholders to celebrate the successes of the past year and announce plans for the next. You have tons of good ideas bouncing around – a combination of fun, acknowledgements, new information, and Thank Yous. You’ve fit all the pieces together with rapid transitions to avoid boredom and wandering attention. Good Job!

Not so fast, you’re not finished. Do you have a message that your audience gives a damn about?

At ForAffect, this is not a hypothetical. We’ve been in this pickle more than once, and here’s what we’ve noticed: The time to think about a cohesive and compelling message is BEFORE the pieces are identified. 

After all, you wouldn’t hire a designer after choosing the paint colors and ordering the furniture, would you? 

The project we’re working on is a perfect example. The pieces are scheduled but there’s no connecting message. There is no story. There is no interaction. What the audience cares about is overlooked. Along with our client, we’re all struggling to create the glue. 

We arrived late to the party and so did the DNA of Messaging—our secret sauce. 
• Walk in your listener’s shoes  
•Be vulnerable
•Use feeling words
•Tell your story  
•Call for action  
•Talk less, say more

When your message flows seamlessly through your event from beginning to end, your listeners will hear you loud and clear. They get the up-front taste of what you’re going to tell them, and it’s crafted around what they want. Always use language that evokes emotional connection and has, at its center, a story that demonstrates the heart of your mission. A virtual event needs more human touch than a face to face event. ASK boldly for what the organization needs – not too weak or too strong, but just right. And don’t ramble or go on too long, because THAT is the kiss of death.

We were brought into a project that was in trouble, and it’s tough to fix with the pieces in place. We’ll make it work, but it’s far more effective in the concept phase, when we can coordinate the flow together.

It’s Your Turn:

Why do so many organizations wait until they’re in deep sh*t before asking for help?

Betsy and RachelComment