Avoiding Cooties: A message of optimism
Never has it been so true that “the times they are a changin’”. Like many, you are protecting your staff and working from home. Like us, you’re logging hours on Zoom and finding this kind of meeting more draining than the face to face kind. Zooming is likely to remain a big part of our future.
Even with the tantalizing promise of a vaccine at hand, we are keenly aware of the personal and professional toll this pandemic is taking on all our lives, and we wish you health, safety, and patience. While there are moments when our circumstances can be sad and even frightful, this new normal presents an exciting, albeit uncertain future. Out of this chaos will undoubtedly come some of the most innovative ideas. This sense of hope and creativity is the message we need to bring when we finally reopen business and our lives.
You are wonderful friends. We have first-hand knowledge of your challenge to make messages that pulse with meaning. You taught us what it takes to step beyond your fear and vulnerability and dig deep for stories that say more than words. We want to say thank you for allowing us into your world.
We imagine there’s a message brewing that you will want to express about this upside-down time. But where to even start? A friend suggested journaling – creating a daily document of unedited feelings. Great idea, but we’ve found that sitting down to do it feels more burdensome than freeing. But … there’s a kernel worth pursuing here. It’s just one idea. Call it our ASK:
Each COVID day –or couple of days— or when you feel like it— choose a colored file card and jot down words or phrases that describe your current feelings.
On a different color card, choose words or phrases, that speak to your wishes and intentions for the future.
Toss them in a shoe box. None of it needs to make sense.
You can be the architect of a powerful message about this time to share with staff, clients, friends and family and these will provide the building blocks.
We are always here to cheer you on if you need us. That’s what we do,
Please stay well and nurture your inner message until we see you again.
We miss you.
Betsy and Rachel